Coconut oil!!! The organic, extra-virgin kind. It's the new thang. Actually it's been around for quite a while, but I had just recently discovered it about 3 months ago. Let me just say, it's the bees knees.
I first found out about this gem on Pinterest. It was getting pinned by multiple different people. I had to look up what was so great about it... and let me tell you, I ran and got some and my local Whole Foods right after reading that super long list of great uses!! I use it at least once a day. Usually more. The best part is that it's cheap, and a little goes a long way. At Whole Foods it was about $12, or you can get it from Amazon for about $7 HERE!
How I use Coconut Oil:
+ Washing my face (just a little goes along way!)
+ Makeup remover
+ Shaving cream
+ Body moisturizer
+ Facial moisturizer
+ Lip moisturizer
+ Night eye cream
+ Supplementary for daily energy (by the spoonful or in my smoothies)
+ Preventing stretch marks
+ Natural SPF 4 sunscreen
+ Frizz and static tamer for hair (just a little rubbed on palms of your hands)
+ Cuts or scrapes
+ Replacement for vegetable oils for cooking
+ Fixing zippers that split at the end. For reals. I put it on Tom's wacky zipper that hadn't stayed zipped in months, and it was fixed. He was upset that he could no longer wear one of his favorite jackets, so I decided to hop on google and see what I could do about fixing it. Putting a little of this bad boy on the zipper teeth and it really did the trick. Who woulda thunk?
+ Hair treatment!
I do this hair treatment about once a month. The outcome is amazing! It makes my hair so healthy, shiny and and soft. The trick is to saturate your hair enough where it looks damp, but not soaked. I put in too much once and it was dripping off my head.
Not a good look or feeling.
You can leave it on as long as you want! I leave mine on for usually 30 minutes to an hour. You can even leave it on overnight too, but I found that it made my hair just a tad oily still after I shampooed it out the next day. It might work better for more dry and damaged hair.
So this is me yesterday with the coconut oil in my hair, working it's magic.
I like it tie my hair up in a little bun while it's in so it stays out of my face.
I forgot to take a before picture, but I swear I can tell a big difference in my hair after I do this! Especially with how shiny my hair turns out (but not greasy shiny, promise!)
And seriously, this is just a subset of all the uses for coconut oil out there. Just google it!
If you don't have some, go get some.
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