
Gotta get dat.

Is it just me, or does anyone else repin a hundred different workout moves and videos on Pinterest and think, "Yeahhh, I can do this!" I know I do, and if you're anything like me, you don't get to doing half of those pins. Maybe not because you don't want to, but maybe because you just don't get around to picking one to do, or you just get too overwhelmed with all the workouts you have pinned on your board!

In hopes of making this easier myself and any readers, I recommend doing these 5 workouts that I personally liked. They aren't too difficult to do, and they prove to work by making those muscles sore! Being sore from working out can definitely suck, but personally, I actually love that feeling. Call me crazy, but it makes me happy knowing that those moves I did the day before (or two days before...) actually are doin' my body good. No pain, no gain, right? 

2. Shameless Booty Workout via See Jane Sweat

My booty is hurtin' today from this one! 

3. 5 Minute Ab Workout via PopSugar

4. The 100 Workout
If you're up for a really tiring and tough work out..

5. Minka Kelly's Tredmill Workout via Self
This is mine and Tom's personal favorite way to do cardio. If you have access to a tredmill, you're set! We like to repeat the workout 2-3 times. Minka Kelly suggests 5 times, but I think that's a little too much for me!

"1 minute at 5.0
1 minute at 5.5
1 minute at 6.0
1 minute at 6.5
1 minute at 7.0
1 minute at 7.5
1 minute at 8.0
2 minutes at 4.5" (I go down to 3.0 at this point!)

I hope this is helpful in your workout search! ;)

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